So....I'm looking at this pic and I'm like iight, thenI look at her legs and as I look to her this bitch has vampire white ash feet..come on Venus
Why in the world would you let your kid stay on a dirty floor, screaming and crying, disturbing the peace, I swear if that was my kid 10 people would have to hold me back from beating his ass
So i go on domino's website to buy pizza, and i see an option for white suace, I don't even wanna know what it's made of and who would put white suace on there pizza?
It digusts me to see when girls put ridiculous amounts of grease on their baby hairs, it just looks disgusting, and yea that is chili from tlc lol
- Universal
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I recently went to soho and found this store, I'm not sure of the name, I think it's global, but it's about 3 min. away from flight club, they have ill shit in the store, but they sometimes close early and they don't have a website
The white part which is supposed to be leather was made of out mesh material and the red leather on the side looked like it was made of trash...people these days
So I was on a escalator and i peeped this bitch with the fakest ass ever (peep the girl with the blond weave and yellow shirt), trust me, it's faker in person
My man Kevin was eating a tripple stack baconator, but I guess the cashier liked him so she slipped him a extra piece of beef lmao, tell me not, this shit looks like a pile of dirt lmao
this shit says fruit circles, wtf is that, there swagg jacking fruit loops, and whats good with the crispy rice lmao, another example of idea robbery, rice crispy